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Hi readers, today I want to write a little bit about what I do and what I've done in my life. I studied two years at Law school in Temuco and one year in Santiago, It was 2011 so it was an important year for all students who were trying to fight for a better country and for a better world. In that context I decided to quit university and started to search for new ways of living. Those ways drived me inevitably to become in the person I am today, which I deeply love, that's why I feel so gratefull about being studying now. I started studying anthropology at Universidad de Chile this year and I have to say that I am really happy about this new beggining. I haven't done too many academic curriculum becouse I am only at first year, but in winter holidays I travelled to Buenos Aires, Argentina to the VII Ibearoamerican Congress of gender, so I had the possibility to share space and ideas with wonderful women who taught me SO MUCH. I didn't present a paper becouse it w

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